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1. Bengkak, lebam, luka, radang, ruam, dan sakit
Swelling, bruising, wounds, inflammation, rash, and pain.
2. Sakit bibir, mencuci mulut dan sakit kerongkong.
Sore lips, cleans mouth and sore throat.
3. Cirit birit, disentri dan sakit dada
Diarrhea, dysentry and chest pain.
4. Bengkak pundi kencing dan demam panas.
Swollen bladder and fever.
1. Akar dihancur dan ditampal di tempat sakit.
The root is crushed and applied to the sore spot.
2. Sapu air rebusan bunga di tempat sakit.
Apply decoction of flowers on the sore spot.
3. Minum air rebusan bunga.
Drink decoction of flower.
4. Minum air rebusan daun.
Drink decoction of leaves.
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