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Nama saintifik:

Tinospora crispa


Royal Herb Garden



1.  Darah tinggi.  

     High blood pressure.

2.  Kencing manis. 



3.  Membersihkan darah serta merawat sakit perut, demam, cacing, gonorea 

      dan kondisi kulit seperti gatal-gatal dan ulser. 

      Purify blood, as well as to treat stomach ache, fever, worms, gonorrhoea 

      and skin conditions like itch and ulcers.


1.  Minum air rebusan batang yang telah dikeringkan.     

      Drink the boiled water of the stem that has been dried.

2.  Minum air rebusan batang yang telah dikeringkan.

      Drink the boiled water of the stem that has been dried.  

3.  Minum air rebusan batang. Sapu pada tempat terjejas bagi kondisi kulit.

      Drink the boiled water of the stem. Apply on the affected area for skin conditions.

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