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1. Gangguan usus.
Intestinal disorders.
2. Menghilangkan panau.
Get rid of tinea versicolor.
3. Demam panas dan gonorea.
High fever and gonorrhea.
4. Radang saluran pernafasan atau bronkitis.
Inflammation of the respiratory tract or bronchitis.
1. Daun ditumbuk bersama sedikit air dan diminum.
The leaves are pounded with a little water and drunk.
2. Daun yang dihancurkan dan dicampurkan bersama kapur, dilumur di tempat yang terjejas.
Crushed leaves that are mixed with lime are smeared on affected areas.
3. Minum air rebusan akar.
Drink decoction of roots.
4. Bunga dihancurkan dan dicampurkan dengan madu lebah, kemudian dimakan.
The flowers are crushed and mixed with honey, then eaten.
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